
Interview simulations Polytech Paris-Saclay Saturday, January 9, 2021

Let's help our young people find work!

Within its partnership with Polytech Paris Saclay, RADèS is taking part this year in simulated interviews of future engineering graduates.

This meeting will take place on Saturday, January 9th at Polytech Paris – Saclay.

The goal? To prepare students as well as possible for their future job search.

How to prepare them? To give them all the best practices, to put themselves in the conditions of a real interview with recruitment officers, former students to finally debrief together the strong points and areas of improvement of their presentations.

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Consulting firm and integrator created in 2006, Radès works with major French and international companies and organizations as a recognized specialist in business supervision.
  • Our strengths :
  • Unique Expertise
  • Freedom of action
  • Conviviality