Software integration Supervision

10 years experience in supervision

With more than 10 years of experience in supervision. Rades has been able to take advantage of different opportunities to build its expertise around operational excellence. Acquisition of technical expertise and technological knowledge, mastery of functional domains, but also capitalization on the heterogeneity of customer IS allow us to propose solutions that are always innovative and tailored by adapting to the constraints of the products.

The integration of supervision solutions according to Rades

Rades is involved in deploying new monitoring solutions, but also in enriching existing applications or assisting its customers in the transition between technologies and technical upgrades.

Harvesting the need

  • We help you define the metrics, interfaces and alerts to be implemented.

SI analysis and consulting

  • Each software package has its specificities, thanks to our experience we can direct you to the one that will best meet your needs.
  • We can help you to optimize your performance and visibility on your system, in harmony with the rest of your IS.
  • We will provide you with the best practices necessary to easily integrate any new application layer into this solution.

Integration of the software package

  • We integrate the chosen solution into your architecture.
  • For each data source the implementation of an adapted consumption is essential.

Implementation of rules

  • According to the needs defined, we set up the indicators adapted to your use and determine the thresholds of acceptability and alert.

Setting up alerts

  • Different alert solutions can be proposed depending on the existing architecture. The most common solution is the email associated with an alert state on the dashboards provided.

Our supervision software package integration solutions

Technical supervision

Technical supervision is oriented towards system performance without always taking into account the application consistency of the data. The primary objective is to ensure that all systems are operational and efficient.

Indeed, an IS whose metrics and constants are well mastered is a high-performance and efficient IS that enables even complex processes to be implemented.

Knowing the current capacity of your system is also the assurance of being able to absorb an additional load and to predict future behavior, thus guaranteeing the performance of the IS over time.

Application supervision

Application supervision focuses on the consistency of data with respect to the business service provided by the application. It is based on the traceability of information throughout its lifecycle in the systems and highlights potential data corruption at the input and output of each of the modules involved.

The aim is to ensure that the systems process all input data and that no information is lost. Please note that the supervision module does not duplicate the processing to ensure total data consistency. 


This monitoring solution created by Systar is now owned by Axway, allowing the company to develop a monitoring application according to its needs.

The BusinessBridge offer is built around various modules that complement the correlation engine at its core.

These different modules allow interfacing with existing information systems, setting up alerts and visualizing the information collected.

Axway Decision Insight

The worthy heir of BusinessBridge is moving towards a real-time, short-cycle development approach that allows for immediate visualization of new indicators, thus reducing the time required for deployment.

It allows customization according to each user as well as personalized dashboards thanks to two numerous integrated visualization modules.

Axway WideVision Alert

A solution that exploits all IS events in real time and enables alerts to be normalized and prioritized according to business impacts.

This solution is part of the hypervision framework thanks to the possibilities it offers in terms of alert categorization. These are categorized and correlated in order to detect any system instability and avoid redundant alerts.

Join-Us !

Consulting firm and integrator created in 2006, Radès works with major French and international companies and organizations as a recognized specialist in business supervision.
  • Our strengths :
  • Unique Expertise
  • Freedom of action
  • Conviviality